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Process Time
Metric Time
We should distinguish between "process time" and "metric time".
Metric time is only in the natural, where it allows the numerical
measurement of duration in time. Swedenborg always emphasizes this measure
(metric) aspect of time in nature:
DP 49,
DLW 73, 161.
It can well be regarded as the 4th dimension in space-time, along with 3D space
dimensions. That dimension is ‘settled and constant’.
Process time is the sequences of changes of substance or state
where-ever they may be. There is an order in process time, but only a counting
order 1,2,3,.. , not an exact measurement (e.g 1.545867899). In fact, between
any pair of events in process time, there is no limit to how many spiritual
state changes can be inserted between them. So process time is not ‘settled and
Spiritual activities use process time, but no metric time. Whenever the
desire or thought of an angel or mind changes, that is another step in process
time. One of Swedenborg’s main achievements was to describe process time
in the spiritual world to eternity. Many people thought (and still think) that
there is no time in heaven, and no living there. His ‘Memorable Relations’ help
a lot to dispel that mistake.
Physical activities use metric time in classical Newtonian physics.
But there is some process time in quantum physics as well, where it counts the
actualization of propensities – changes of state even there.
It appears that is not succession-time as such which inhibits spiritual
thinking, but the ‘constant and settled’ aspect of metric time. (As well as
metric time being essential to the dead things of nature.)
Dec 21, 2019
Time in the Philosophy of Nature
- extracts from Ch 8 of Philosophy of Nature and Quantum Reality
by Ian Thompson, Eagle Pearl Press, 2010 (slightly edited).
Amazon. Online
Metric Time and Extensiveness
Extensiveness is therefore defined, in the present philosophy of
nature, as a fundamental real relation between places. It is a
relation between places that holds independently of whether or not the related
places are filled. We could think of it specifying absolutely the metric
distance between any two points in space-time. By means of extensiveness we
intend to create a `dimensional order' for all places in space and time.
Furthermore, since places are kinds of possibilities, and since
possibilities can form a continuum, we have that extensiveness can naturally
give rise to a continuous order of places. I am not arguing that extensiveness
is necessarily continuous, only that continuity is not incompatible with the
basic notions we have put together. We will discuss later how all places can be
ordered according to their mutual extensive relations. When
this is done, they then form what Whitehead has termed an `extensive continuum'.
This continuum is the manifold of all places apparent when they are juxtaposed
with respect to their relations of extensiveness. The extensive continuum is the
most general form of order in the world, as it is prior to the contingent things
which actually happen. It is not however to be conceived as actuality, or
as any kind of definite `container'. As the full definition of the extensive
continuum is that it is an `ordered manifold of places', it is therefore the
`continuous order of possibilities for actuality'. It would only be if we
erroneously conflate the concepts of possibilities a we would mistake the
extensive continuum for an actual entity. Such conflation may be permissible
within mathematics, but has disastrous consequences elsewhere.
In understanding the extensive continuum in terms of our usual space and time,
we should remember the places, as possibilities for actuality, are 'wheres' and
`whens'. This means, as pointed out at the start of the chapter, that the
extensive continuum has more of a spatiotemporal nature, than of a purely
spatial or purely temporal nature. We can refer to the extensive continuum as `spacetime',
but only provided we remember that such a spacetime is not the actual
existent of many interpretations of Einstein's relativity theories. Rather, it
is the extensive manifold of all possibilities for actuality. On this
basis we can admit the `objective' nature of the four-dimensional
spacetime of relativity theory, but not as an actual or fully-determinate thing.
Extensiveness has been defined as a relation between places, but we have still
to see how it may be more precisely formulated. We might expect, because
extensiveness can be continuous, that places can be related a `continuous
relation'. Mathematically this could be represented as a function s(p,q),
as a continuous function of pairs of places p, q.
Our general philosophy of nature cannot determine the exact form of this
function, for to know its characteristics would be to know the number of
dimensions of space and time in spacetime, and to know the precise metric of the
spacetime manifold.
I see no way of deriving these a priori. The 3+1 dimensional nature of
spacetime, for example, seems to be a `brute fact'. Both the Newtonian and
Einsteinian accounts of spacetime should however be permitted by our general
philosophical arguments. In the following, I will hence be discussing a
plausible formulation of extensiveness which can accommodate both Newtonian and
relativistic metrics.
Time as Becoming
Other philosophers have tried to form a consistent account of tenses, and
how the present can be the forming of the past out of the future. For example,
Whitehead [1929] has constructed a `process' view of the world in which tenses
do make sense. In his view the A series is not the best description of
tenses, as it appears to assume that future events are `somewhere' in the
`future', just `waiting to happen'. It is more likely that the future does not
yet exist at all, he suggests. A similar view is described in C.D. Broad [1923].
One would argue on this position that in 1960 there was no such thing as a
definite moon landing, for possibly such an event might never occur. At that
time there were only intentions to land on the moon, but intending to
land on the moon is quite different from a future moon landing `waiting to
happen'. Let us look at how the `process' approach avoids the vicious circle
McTaggart saw in the A series.
To say that the future `does not exist at all' means that we have neither the
A series nor the B series. We do not have the A series, because there
are no such things as `future events' to have the property of being `future'.
The future is not formed yet, so in 1960 say we could not have talked about `the moon
landing'. We could only have talked of `possibilities for moon landings' that we
might hope to bring about. Before 1969 there was no such thing as `the moon
landing event', so there was no particular event appearing out of the `future'
to become `present'. This passage of events from the future to the past via the
present, we agreed earlier, was the essence of the A series approach. Thus
Whitehead and Mellor both agree with McTaggart that the A series is ultimately
Whitehead and Mellor differ, however, on the question of whether we have just
the B series. According to Whitehead, we do not have only the B series,
as there are no future events yet existing that could be at any particular dates
and times, and ordered by `before' and `after' etc. At best, `the future' is a
set of possibilities, some of which may actually happen. Process philosophy does however
allow the B series to be applied to past events, as all these have
definitely happened, and so have perfectly definite dates and times that hold
unchangeably. In fact, it allows only the B series to be real for the
past, and does not allow the A series properties of `future', `present' and
`past' to be real properties for any events. For even in the past, the
1969 moon landing is itself no different for being 10 minutes ago or 10
years ago, once it has definitely happened. This means that the A-series-like
properties of `10 minutes in the past' and `10 years in the past' would not be
real properties of the event concerned.
I have sketched two philosophical approaches which appear to avoid
McTaggart's vicious circle. They both appear to be consistent within themselves,
but they are not compatible with each other. The second account, whereby `the
future' is at best a set of possibilities, is more in line with my ideas in this
book. It has that such
possibilities are objective possibilities, and not merely
epistemological or to do with laws of causation. Epistemological possibilities
might arise merely from our partial knowledge of what is actually going to
happen. Possibilities might
also arise from indeterministic laws of causation if past states do not
rigorously determine states to their future, but leave some slack, so to speak.
The `real possibilities' I am proposing are not necessitated by these other two
kinds of possibilities. Rather, the necessitation is in the other direction, as
real possibilities will of course give rise to these other kinds.
The real possibilities that concern us here are the strongest, objective
possibilities. They are in the physical situation whether or not we are aware of
them, and they describe a real openness of the futures which are possible for
natural processes. Strictly speaking, they are not counterfactuals,
because to consider future possibilities, `might be's, does not require going
counter to any facts. Thus they must be contrasted with those `past
possibilities', or `might have been's, which, because they definitely did not
happen, require going against what is actual and factual. According to the
present theory, `real possibilities' do not strictly apply to the past. We may
of course still consider counterfactual possibilities concerning what may have
happened if the past had gone differently, but these are only abstractly related
to the present world, and hence should not be called real
Some philosophers, most recently Grünbaum [1973], argue that there are no
real possibilities in the future either, and hence that all of time is
determinate in some sense. They could argue, for example, that given an event
which has not happened yet, since some possibility must be realised, that one is
the only possibility which needs to be considered. All the other alleged
possibilities are hence not `real' alternatives. They only appear so from our
ignorance of what exactly which possibility will be fulfilled (i.e. which place
will be filled). William James describes this position as:
there is nothing inchoate about this universe of ours, all that was or is or
shall be actual in it having been from eternity virtually there. The cloud
of alternatives our minds escort this mass of actuality withal is a cloud of
sheer deception, to which ``impossibilities'' is the only name which
rightfully belonged.
Grünbaum puts it, `` . . . in either kind of universe, it is a fact of logic
that what will be, will be!''.
But we do not need to agree with Grünbaum. We can have the past as
determinate and actual, the future as indeterminate and potential, and the
present as where actualizing occurs. It is where the future becomes past.
To describe the stages of actualization, therefore, we need another measure,
that of process time.
Process Time
Now that the extensive continuum has a relation of extensiveness defined on
it, it is feasible to investigate to what extent the extensive order of places
affects the order of events that occur at those places. Now that the extensive
continuum can be divided up in relation to any given place by the relations of precedes,
succeeds and alternates with, we want to know how this subdivision
is related to the temporal order of the actualisings in the
different regions. That is the order of process time. The `extensive
continuum' defined above, it should first be noted, although called `spacetime',
has really in itself a temporal component. It is by itself purely extensive, and
totally independent of any changes. It is just the collection of all places,
including the places of all present and past events and the places possible for
all future events. All these places are gathered together into one vast
four-dimensional continuum. We did not construct it as a union of space and
time, where space is extensive and three-dimensional, and time is
one-dimensional and uniformly flowing. Rather, it is the extensive all-at-once
aggregate of all places possible. Extensiveness is `all-at-once' or
`under the aspect of eternity' because, although events occur each on its
own occasion, all places can be given before there are any changes
(events) that occur at those places. Although, on the view of time given in the
previous section, not all events (especially not future events) can be given
`eternally', this need not restrict our consideration of their places. The
relations of precedes e between places, and are only between actualities
insofar as what is actual is at least possible. These relations therefore can be
given and discussed before any time or changes, and hence need to be
supplemented by further conditions in order to find any order of events in the
places that are related.
What has been done so far is to completely separate in our minds the order of
places in the extensive continuum (metric time) from any order of events at
those places (process time). But this cannot be the whole story, for if events
were to be completely independent of where they occur in the four-dimensional
continuum, then all events (whether past, present or future) would occur
asynchronously. They would have no temporal relations, let alone causal
relations, between them. Each would just `happen', with no relation at all to
the `happening' of the other events. This may between events which are in fact
causally unrelated, but in general some kind of natural constraints are
necessary to restrain such a free-for-all.
A variety of constraints may be imagined. One suggestion is to order all
events according to some uniform serial time. Each event would then occur at one
and only one time. This uniform serial order could be identified with some
direction of the fourth dimension in the extensive continuum, or it could be
distinct from any such dimension. If it were distinct, however, we would be
effectively constructing a fifth dimension. This would be a kind of
uniformly flowing `hypertime' to order changes in the four-dimensional spacetime.
I don't believe this `ontologically extravagant' hypothesis should be accepted
without well-founded arguments.
Newtonian time has all events ordered in a uniform serial order which is
identical to the time dimension of the extensive continuum. If the metric of
this continuum is Newtonian in the manner of the previous section, then the
`time direction' is unique. However, as there is considerable evidence in favour
of the theory of special relativity, it is unlikely that space and time in fact
follow the Newtonian pattern.
Growing Block Universe
Putting these two times together results in the 'growing block universe' view
of time, from C.D. Broad in 1923.
See the Wikipedia entry on
this, which
summaries some of the related philosophical debates.
See also the discussion section
in Time in the IEP:
Advocates of a growing-past agree
with the presentists that the present is special ontologically, but they
argue that, in addition to the present, the past is also real and is growing
bigger all the time. C.D. Broad, George Ellis, Richard Jeffrey, and Michael
Tooley have defended the growing-past theory. William James famously
remarked that the future is so unreal that even God cannot anticipate it. It
is not clear whether Aristotle accepted the growing-past theory or accepted
a form of presentism; see Hilary Putnam (1967, p. 244) for commentary on
this issue. The growing-past theory is also called "now-and-then-ism, the
"becoming theory" and "possibilism." Member of McTaggart's A-camp prefer are
divided on whether to accept presentism or the growing-past theory, but they
agree in rejecting eternalism.