Papers on Topic: Classical Mechanics

  1. Christopher James Langmead, Predicting Protein Folding Kinetics via Temporal Logic Model Checking , , 2009 pp. 1-14.

  2. Anna Hasenfratz, Introduction to Lattice QCD, Int Summer School, 2012 pp. 1-20.

  3. Anon. (2010), Constraints and Lagrange Multipliers , , 2010 pp. 1-15.

  4. Chris Blair, Classical Field Theory , , 2010 pp. 1-15.

  5. R Arnowitt et al., Finite Self-Energy of Classical Point Particles, Physical Review Letters, 4 (1960) 375-377.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 4, 375 (1960) (web, pdf)

  6. Gabriele Carcassi and Christine A Aidala, Hamiltonian mechanics is conservation of information entropy, Arxiv.Org, 2020 2004.11569v1, physics.hist-ph.
    In this work we show the equivalence between Hamiltonian mechanics and conservation of information entropy. We will show that distributions with coordinate independent values for information entropy require that the manifold on which the distribution is defined is charted by conjugate pairs (i.e. it is a symplectic manifold). We will also show that further requiring that the information entropy is conserved during the evolution yields Hamilton's equations. (web, pdf)

  7. Roman Frigg and Charlotte Werndl, Can Somebody Please Say What Gibbsian Statistical Mechanics Says?, Arxiv.Org, 2018 1807.04218v1, cond-mat.stat-mech.
    Gibbsian statistical mechanics (GSM) is the most widely used version of statistical mechanics among working physicists. Yet a closer look at GSM reveals that it is unclear what the theory actually says and how it bears on experimental practice. The root cause of the difficulties is the status of the Averaging Principle, the proposition that what we observe in an experiment is the ensemble average of a phase function. We review different stances toward this principle, and eventually present a coherent interpretation of GSM that provides an account of the status and scope of the principle. (web, pdf)

  8. Friedrich Herrmann, The local balance laws for energy, momentum and entropy: how they came into being, and what was their destiny, Arxiv.Org, 2020 2005.11672v1, physics.hist-ph.
    The historical process of the genesis of the extensive or substance-like quantities took place in two steps. First, global conservation or non-conservation was discovered. Only later did it become possible to formulate the balance locally in the form of a continuity equation. This process can be clearly seen in energy, momentum, and entropy. After a long and intricate history, the quantitative description of the local balance has been achieved for all of the three quantities in a surprisingly short period of time around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. The new ideas could have simplified considerably the teaching of energy, momentum, and entropy. However, in all three cases, today's language of physics remained essentially the same as it was at the time when a local balancing was not yet possible. (web, pdf)

  9. H Kochiras, Newton's General Scholium and the Mechanical Philosophy, , 2017.
    This article pursues two objectives through a close reading of Newton's 1713 General Scholium. First, it examines his relationship to the canonical mechanical philosophy, including his response to criticism of his own theory that that canonical philosophy's requirements motivated. Second, it presents an interpretation of Newton's own mechanical philosophy, glimpsed in draft material for the General Scholium: he takes the natural world to be a machine operating by causal principles that arise only within systems and that require … (web, pdf)

  10. Masahiro Morii, Hamiltonian Equations of Motion, , 2003 pp. 1-26.

  11. F E Udwadia and R E Kalaba, On the foundations of analytical dynamics, International Journal Of Non-Linear Mechanics, 37 (2002) 1079-1090.
    (web, pdf)

  12. V E Zakharov and Evgenii A Kuznetsov, Hamiltonian formalism for nonlinear waves, Physics-Uspekhi, 40 (1997) 1087-1116.
    The Hamiltonian description of hydrodynamic type systems in application to plasmas, hydrodynamics, and magnetohydrodynamics is reviewed with emphasis on the problem of introducing canonical variables. The relation to other Hamiltonian approaches, in particular natural-variable Poisson brackets, is pointed out. It is shown that the degeneracy of noncanonical Poisson brackets relates to a special type of symmetry, the relabeling transformations of fluid-particle Lagrangian markers, from which all known vorticity … (web, pdf)
